الصفحة الرئيسية المدونة والأخبار
المدونة والأخبار
أغسطس 4, 2021


The tourism sector is linked to several areas of law, including in many destinations to constitutional law. That is, both tourists and tourism workers have constitutional rights in one way or another.

The proper regulation of the various obligations and rights of tourists and tourism workers is necessary in order to provide the highest level of service as well as to establish a basis of transparency and loyalty to the sector.

International tourism law is a concept that is still largely unknown among the general population. Most people do not know that they, as a tourist, have both obligations and enjoy certain rights.

If you are interested in learning about this new area of law, one that is vitally important for the sector and that can give you a competitive advantage in the workplace, the Online Tourism Academy offers an Introduction to International Tourism and Travel Law.

In this essential course you will be introduced to the fundamental concepts and notions of legal knowledge and regulation of the tourism sector, from the principles governing institutions, through forms of international cooperation to the distribution of the services themselves.

In addition, the course offers you a comprehensive overview of all the relevant international legislation and the regulation of services. It also offers you a 360º vision of the figure of a traveller and all that this implies.

The tourism sector is evolving every day and it is necessary to adapt and adjust to it immediately in order to avoid becoming obsolete. For this reason, future generations who are going to enter the sector need to understand in depth all the ins and outs of tourism, from economics to legal considerations.

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