الصفحة الرئيسية المدونة والأخبار
المدونة والأخبار

In recent years, the digital transformation of tourism has accelerated, both in terms of consumer habits and, increasingly, in how people travel and experience their chosen destinations. To keep pace, tourism businesses must increasingly become more innovative, not just in their business models but in...

In 2019, destinations worldwide received 1.5 billion international tourists -- a new record. While economic data was positive, the escalating costs of overburdened ecosystems and strained infrastructure were causing an invisible burden on destinations worldwide. Seventy percent of surveyed sites near heritage attractions, along coastal...

Tourism has evolved hand-in-hand with changing technology, communications and marketing practices. While in 1950 the world welcomed 25 million international tourists, according to UNWTO data, by 2019 this had increased to 1.5 billion. The massive increase in the number of people joining the middle classes globally, along...

Tourism is one of the world's most outstanding economic sectors, employing one in every ten people. COVID-19 has been a turning point in all sectors and industries. And tourism has suffered the most from the consequences of the global pandemic. Right now, one in three destinations worldwide (34% according to UNWTO...

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